Jesus was a man on earth, who had a calling from God. He answered, and the result was forgivness and mercy, and an open way for us to heaven.
I believe that every man has a calling from God. God has a mission for us on earth. Some missions are ment to last your whole life, other are ment to last for exampel 6 months.
Last Sunday, I sat in the church in Laos. I had just sang the blessing song (velsignelsen) together with Kristian/Bon Lai. As I sat there, I was filled with a peace, and I felt it through my whole body. It was finished.
My time in Laos are over. I returned to Norway yesterday, after 6 months in a culture, country, people and church, that are different from everything I knew of, in Norway. I had my work there, I had my life there, and I looked at everything in Laos as my own. But.. My mission was finished, and it was time for me to come home, and I felt peace. I was ready, as I feel ready for the next step in Gods plan for my life.
In the writing moment I sit in the living room in our house in Norway. Outside the temperature is below zero, which is very strange for a person that has lived with sun and 20-30 degreeds for the last 6 months. It's 9 o'clock, and almost everyone in the house are sleeping. The differences are huge, but I feel I am where I am supposed to be for the moment. Just want to say "Thank you" to the people in Laos, to Hald for sending me, and to God for showing me the way.
1 kommentar:
Eirik, jeg får virkelig frysninger. Gud er så god og han leder oss really in his path. Og det er så godt å lese andres ærlighet om Gud og sette det sammen med mitt liv og sammenlikne og se at Gud er den samme. Han sender oss, lærer oss og er med oss på reisen. Kos deg hjemme, håper egentlig at du ikke slutter å blogge!
Nå ble det mye babbel, men du vet! :)
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