torsdag 20. november 2008


For the first. I´m sorry that I wrote my last publishment in norwegian. I totally forgot that I`m supposed to wright in english. 

Okey, this is kind of just a update in my life the last weeks. 

We have now finished our language study at the university. So from now on, the learning will have to be done in the bedroom. We have a goal to be able to understand a simple speach from our pastor. To do that, we have learn more words. The grammar is not difficult, so we just have to learn lots of words. And we will try. But we both feel that we know enough lao, to teach english to non- english speaking people. Thanks for all the prayes, and keep it going. We need it. 
We don`t know what will happen next. Our "boss" is working on it, but I think the plan is to  teach people at the church english, free of charge. It`s a great opportunity to help people here learn something, without having to pay lots of money to do so.

This week I`ve also had my first trip to Starbucks. On tuesday we went to Thailand, to renew our visa. We have to do that every month. At the same time we use the opportunity to buy stuff that`s cheaper there than in Lao. But I got to say, the memory that got stuck after the trip, was the coffey-caramel flavoured frappuchino. Some taste. It was simply delicious. 

We also have plans on starting guitar- and bassclasses for the youth in the church. we don`t know when it will start, but we hope that it won`t take to long. I`m exited!!:)

There you go. I won`t bother to make write more, `cause I don`t think there`s any interesting stuff to write about.

God bless, no stress!!

1 kommentar:

Rune, din helt i hverdagen! sa...

Der kan du se!
Imponerende at du alt nå kan nok lao til å undervise engelsk! Det er gutten sin det!
Ellers vil jeg oppfordre deg til å være forsiktig med å lære for mye på soverommet, slikt kan utvikle seg til å bli "rather nasty stuff"!
Godt å høre at du er i live, og at du bruker tiden der borte godt, og opplever mye spennende! Gleder meg til neste innlegg!
Karin vinker til deg!
Si fra om det er noe! Glade i deg Lillebror!
Klems til vi skjems!