mandag 7. desember 2009
Helt ok
I`m reading in a magazin from NMS Agder.
I`m reading stories about Laos.
I`m reading about girls, 6 and 9 years old, being left by their parents, but who have found Jesus.
Odd Nordstoga and Sissel Kyrkjebø`s song; jul, jul, strålande jul sings from the computer.
My body is in Norway, but my heart is in Lao.
I` m reading about the people that I know so well.
I`m reading about the prayer meeting at 5.30 am, which I used to attend.
I miss Lao, and I probably spent 6 of the best months in my life there.
Only regret is that I didn`t use the opportunity, whilst being there, well enough.
tirsdag 1. desember 2009
tirsdag 17. november 2009
I quote: "Da kronprins Haakon var i Botswana nylig, la han ut bilder på Facebook. Frp-politiker Roger Madsen mente kronprinsen ikke bør besøke afrikanske land - fordi det bare finnes halvaper der."
It`s in norwegian, but what is says, is that the prince shouldn`t travel to africa, because there are only halfapes/halfmonkeys down there.
The man has the right to have his own opinions, but still...
How is it POSSIBLE to say something like that. How dumb... can you get?!
I LOVE it that Prince Haakon and Princess Mette Marit are travelling around the world, fighting poverty. The Prince has said it himself, our times biggest challenge is poverty.
I admire the royal family in Norway. How they stand up, acknowledging aid and fighting poverty as something that works!!
Look at NMS and their work in Lao. Since they started working in Lao, many schools have been build and restored. A lot of wells have been build, giving women a opportunity to get water without walking for hours.
Grownup people have learned to read and write, which they use to learn more about growing and runing a farm.
AID WORKS. We need to help our neighbours, also those on Norway in need.
What we DON`T need, is people calling africans halfmonkeys.
lørdag 14. november 2009
Kirk Franklin
So humble, so focused, so real, so true. He gave God the honour from the first second. What else can I do, then admire and join in that praise.
Btw, Afroamericans have the most awesome attitude :D I love it :D
Watch the vidoe. On of the best songs, made by Kirk Franklin
onsdag 11. november 2009
Hei og hopp, vesten er en flopp
During the summit I heard about an organisation called Kiva.
Kiva works with microfinance, and the way they do it is remarcable. They are partners with existing organisations that does microfinance, and the way Kiva work is that they provide lenders to the organisations, and the organisations find people who need small loans to start a small business to provide themselves at their families.
If you go to Kivas website, you can provide a person with a small loan. You search between 183 countries and 200 000 people, and look at their stories. They tell their story through Kiva and the partner organisation. And if you find out that this is a person you want to help, then you can loan them some money. And on the same web site you also check up on the loan you gave, to find out how much they have payed back to you. The money you provide goes straight to the loaner, and the money gets payed straight back to you. 98,5 %of the money being lend out, gets payed back.
This organisation is one of the best I have ever heard of. Check it out, and be amazed!
Btw, did you know that almost all the money in the norwegian budget, marked for Aid, is not really marked for aid. they are meant for emergenzy fundings. And did you know that immigrants in Norway work, earn money, and send more money home to their families every year, than the norwegian aid budget. How sick is that!! Norway as a state should give more to the pour!!
tirsdag 10. november 2009
A church in change
BUT.. Take a look at the third video, from GLS 2009.
Here he talks about a church that has changed. The global church has acknowledged its responsability to fight poverty!! Churches all over the world has gathered millions upon millions to fight poverty. A church in USA gathered on christmas day at once over 500 000 dollar, as a pure gift to fight povery!!
Since 2006, 2 million africans have gotten medical treatment for HIV/AIDS. The fight is on!!
onsdag 4. november 2009
Eg er glad
I`ve just come back from leading a practice for a young worship band. It is so inspiring to see development and to see the band member getting better and more confident for each week. And I`ve only been helping them for three weeks. So yeah, after coming back from practice now, I feel really good!
Otherwise my foot is getting better, so I can work more and more and more out.
Volleyball is a winner, and being able to hit that ball is one of the best things I can do in my life.
But if could have done anything else right now, I would have been back in Lao, working in the church, through Hald. I miss it so much. Reading the blogs of the this year students is so inspiring!
At the same time, knowing that for each person in norway dying of the swineflu, 1000 kids in the world are dying of starvation. At that is only from starvation. Then there are Malaria, diarrhea, AIDS, catastrofies, bad water, general health etc etc etc.. Then we have the 100 million kids living on the streets of the world..
In other words.. I AM PRRRRETTY LUCKY.
And my job this year, is to spread that message, telling the youth of norway how fortunate they are, and how ignorant the people in Norway are. In stead of being gratefull and humble for actually living in Norway and having too much food on the table, we want more and more. And there we have the peoples parti in Norway saying "Everyone shall get more" (alle skal ha mer).
Again, I`m ashamed by the west and our egiosm!!
fredag 30. oktober 2009
mandag 26. oktober 2009
For hver person som dør av svineinfluensaen
har 1000 barn dødd av fattigdom.
(Tekst og foto:
Tall kan brukes til å forvrenge sannheten like mye som å bringe den frem. Jeg har fått denne informasjonen tilsendt fra en leser som ønsker å være anonym. Her er viktig informasjon til alle som lurer på hvordan nyheter vinkles i media.
Ifølge Dagsavisen 12/10-09 var det inntil sist helg minst 4.525 mennesker verden over som døde av svineinfluensa. Hvor lenge siden er det det første tilfelle av døde?
I følge Dagsavisen 27 / 04-09 var det da en drøy uke siden Obama besøkte mexico og de første utbruddene skjedde og den første som døde var en antropologist.
Det er nå da ca. 6 måneder siden svineinfluensaen brøt ut.
I følge UNICEF dør det hver dag 25 000 barn på grunn av fattigdom. De dør stille i noen av de fattigste landsbyene på jorden. (Kilde:, facts and stats)
La oss sette det hele i perspektiv: Gjennomsnittlig er det litt over 754 mennesker døde av svineinfluensaen pr. måned over hele kloden. Tilsvarende er det 750 000 barn som har dødd pr. måned i samme periode.
Det hele vil si at for hver døde person av svineinfluensaen er det ca .1000 barn døde av fattigdom!!
Lille Norge regner med å bruke 650 millioner kroner på et massevaksinasjonsprogram. (Dagbladet 26/6-09)
På verdensbasis, hvor mange kroner benyttes ikke til å kjøpe opp svineinfluensavaksinen? Hvor mange barn kunne ikke vært reddet og pengene brukt til å skape et bedre samfunn?
tirsdag 20. oktober 2009
This says EVERYTHING about the west! We`re a bunch of egoistic bastards!!
Picture is taken from
lørdag 17. oktober 2009
Food corner
For thos who remember, this is something I started writing about when I was in Laos.
hopefully, I will continue during the next months.
You need.
0,5 kg minced meat.
1 kg pre boiled Potatos
0,8 kg Tomato sauce with basil flavour
1 Red pepper
2 small boxes ofPineapple in pieces.
+ Other spices
Fry the minced meat. While you do, cut the potatos in small pieces and put them in a casserole. Add the sauce, pineapples and the red pepper. When the meat is done, put the meat in the casserole and heat everything together.
Dinner for 5 grown people in maximum 45 min.
I got the potatos for free, and the pasta sauce I bought with discount. So, this meal costed me 60 kr, and I have dinner for at least 2 more days.
How great is that?!
tirsdag 13. oktober 2009
I live my life here. I work, I exercise, etc etc etc..
But what about poverty? What about all the people I really want to help, but I can`t reach them myself, `cause I`m in Mandal. Don`t missunderstand me. I love Mandal. I feel more and more at home here.
Working at the school, playing volleyball, jogging in furulunden, cooking my own food, visiting friends in Kristiansand.. My life is great.
But I have a desire to help other people.
I read the blogs of the students at Hald. How they are out in the world, just like I was a year ago, living and serving in an other country.
But what about me ?
My duty is to spread a message. Spread a message about Hald, about poverty, about the state of our planet, about what you and I can do to stop and turn into a positive direction.
Btw, it doesn`t help that Norway gives more money too emergency help, that to long term reduction of poverty. They money that is ment to be used for that, goes to other kinds of crap. Norway, get a hold of yourself, stop and think for a moment! We need to do something, and we need to DO IT NOW!!
Back to spreading a message.
My point is: When I read those blogs, and I live my life in beautiful Mandal, when I read the bible, when I look at Rob Bell`s nooma movies... I get inspired.
I`m filled up with expectations and antisipation to my work. To tell about Hald and our common goal. To fight povery and help people to help them self.
torsdag 8. oktober 2009
On my own
For the first time in life, I`m living on my own.
I don`t count last years six months in Lao as living on my own. `cause then I had my amazing team mate Kristian living in the same building!
I`m living on my own. All my 80 friends from school have abandon me here in Mandal. At first I was shocked by their betrayel! How could they do such a thing? How could they leave me here, all by myself. Yeah, sure.. they had to go to their new homes for the next 6 to 7 months, but still.. some of them could at least have brought me with them. But noooo, they had to go alone. No one cares for the sorry ass ettåring Eirik!!
But you know.. I`m fine with it. I`m doing great on my own. I was very exited to see how it would be, living alone in a city where know the names of maybe 5 people, exept the teachers.
But I`m doing really good. They days seem fly by.
I work
I exercise
I eat
I sleap
I play guitar
I pray
I read
Life is good. Yes, there will be times when I will feel more alone then ever. But to quote a good friend of mine: "God has given me peace here. I`ve settled down".
The last on and a half week since school ended, I`ve checked out Bergen. Bergen is an AMAZING city. It rains a lot, but still.. The people makes every raindrop worth it, and the city has its own incredible charm.
I`ve been home to visit my parents. As always, they`re greast. I also got meet a lot of my many siblings, as well as a few friends.
In other words. The last week before I returned to Mandal was really good.
onsdag 30. september 2009
Hva hjelper det om vi legger ned uttallige mengder arbeid, tid og penger.. Når den gjennomsnittlige person i Norge gir totalt blaffen. Nordmenn har det siste året brukt 7,5 milliarder kroner på godteri og snop (!! Tenk om vi hadde bare brukt halvparten av disse pengene på å hjelpe andre mennesker, i stedet for å trøkke i oss kunstige stoffer som i stor grad bare er skadelig.
Jeg blir oppgitt, og det virker håpløst. Jeg er jo som alle andre, så jeg bare påpeker et problem som jeg er en del av. Men jeg er villig til å endre meg, og prøve. Men rike, snobbete og bortskjemte nordmenn, som vil ha mindre skatt og enda mer penger.. Bryr de seg?
"Godene i verden i dag er ufattelig urettferdig fordelt. 20% av verdens befolkning bruker 86% av ressursene. Det er nok mat i verden, men likevel sulter flere millioner mennesker. Hvorfor er det slik?"
"U-landsgjelden fører til at pengestrømmene går fra fattige til rike land. Dette hindrer utvikling, fordi penger som skulle ha gått til skole og helse heller går til å betale ned gjeld."
"For hver krone vi gir i bistand, får vi fem kroner tilbake i gjeldsbetjening. Dette legger enorme byrder på økonomien i fattige land og forhindrer utviklingen i disse landene – slik som å sørge for at folk får nok mat, et helsevesen eller utdanning."
fredag 18. september 2009
Oslo eier
Go Oslo and the Norwegian crime rate! :D
But, It`s all good. I lost a lot of pictures and different stuff, and that`s what upsets me. Money and computers doesn`t matter. And I`m glad that I`ve comed to a point where money and things aren`t that important! I call it; "a step in right direction"!!
Sverige topper listene med sitt syke skattetak, på hele 56,7% i skattefradrag.
Det syntes jeg er drøye greier, mens kanskje logisk siden Sverige har relativt mye statsgjeld.
Men... Norge som er gjeldsfrie og et verdens desidert rikeste land, vi vil ha mindre skatter!
Jeg har en ting å si om Nordmenn.. De er så til de grader EGOISTISKE. Si at en nordmann lever 80 år, og gjennomsnittlig jobber man 40 av disse 80 åra. Resten av åra får vi penger opp i fanget, og lever det glade liv (flertallet hvertfall).
Jeg får inntrykk av at nordmenn bare vil ha mer og mer, uten å gi noe tilbake. Kortere arbeidsdager, mer lønn, mindre skatt etc etc. Føler det sier seg selv jeg. Norge og nordmenn kan kaste seg i en vegg, og banke vett inn i huet på seg selv!
Her blir forresten Norsk politikk og valgkampen EID EID EID, av en fransk journalist!
Utrolig morsomt å lese!!!
mandag 7. september 2009
Dett var Dett :)
Oh yes, I`ve finally grown up. The years as a tenager are over, and I`m 20.
The sunday was AMAZING with: horror movie in the addic, 4 hours of sleep, church, muffin, ice cream, hugs, presents, cudling, guitar, volleyball for 3 hours, many phonecalls with Trygve, messages and really good mood all day!
Hurray for all who remembered me. You guys are great!
During the weekend, we also had visitors from last years class. They came to share their experiences with this year students.
I got to meet a lot of friends again. I realize more and more how great last were, and how lucky I am. But the students this year, are also very very good people. Hard not to like them!!
- Hugs and messages
- Squash racket
- Movies
- ice cream
- Cudling from Silje
- coffee cup with winnie the pooh pictures :D )
- vanilla smelling candles? :O
And so much more!!!
onsdag 2. september 2009
Heia Norge som miljøfyrtårn :D
Heia AP og norsk politikk
Heia alle de som sitter på rævva i Oslo og tror de gjør en god jobb, når de bæsjer på leggen daglig
Heia de som sitter i Oslo, og IKKE bruker det de har mellom øra
Heia verden som dreper seg selv :D
Jeg er glad!!
Havet stiger. Millioner på millioner av mennesker kommer til å måtte flykte fra hjemmene sine. Og i tillegg til alt, har vi ikke nok mat til å fø verden sånn den er nå, også skal vi få enda flere millioner som ikke klarer å fø seg selv.
mmmm, jeg smiler av skrekkblandet fryd med tanke på hvor dumme mennesker kan være. Meg selv innkludert. Kanskje gjøre noe med forbrukerkulturen vår snart?Jeg har ikke lyst til å miste den naturen jeg har rett utenfor døra hjemme.
fredag 28. august 2009
Teaching is fun
- Work with the school envornment.
mandag 24. august 2009
Der ja :)
Since I'm back at Hald, I've decided to write in English again. In case some of my many foreign friends would like to read some of the stupid and meaningless things I hope to write here :)
Yeah, so I'm back at Hald. As a member of the staff, under the fine title; Ettåring.
A lot of things has happened since I started to work, about two weeks ago. Most of our students have arrived now (miss a few, due to visa problems). And what a group of people!!!
It is strange how fast 80 people can become friends, when we come from so totally different settings, cultures and backgrounds. Some speaks english perfectly, other hardly know how to say yes and no. But the manage. The communicate, they learn, the become friends, they make memories and experiences for life. I can't help but to think that God has something to do with this. Say what you want.. But this is NOT normal:P Haha..
I've also found out that I am somewhat not normal. I'm still 19 years old. I've got a job and I can tell older people then myself, what to do and how they should do it. And guess what, I don't like to have that kind of controll over people. To be an authority is strange. And at the same time.. I'm back at Hald, I have 80 students around me, I've got many good friends here.. But I'm not a student. I'm not part of the group. I know it, they know, and it shows. But still, I wouldn't be any other place.
Btw, election 09 is coming up. Anyone else then me, that are scared of the possible outcome of this election. Seriously, the norwegian politicians don't have their feet on the ground. What happened to thinking and the use of our wonderfull thing called brain?
Summer updates:
I've worked at a nursery home for old people.
I was at Skjærgårds, a christian music festival, where I worked a lot
I went to Berlin with the best gang ever, and saw U2 live. Only real free time all summer
I worked more at the nursery home
I attended Ten Misjonsfestivalen, as a leader, and worked there as well.
Sooo, this summer.. I have worked a lot. Not that much spare time. But what a SUMMER :D:D
fredag 10. juli 2009
Breath of life
Jonas G Støre (utenriksminister) mener FRP sin utenrikspolitikk vil gjøre Norge "utrygt".
Michael Jackson er død, som jeg forresten er ganske lei å høre om.. Jeg har hørt rykter om at 12 pers har tatt sitt eget liv fordi de ikke kunne leve uten "kongen av pop".
107 personer har dødd i India fordi de har drukket hjemmebrent..
Noen som har tenkt over at media sjeldent frembringer "gode" nyheter?
Snakk om oppmuntring og friske pust i hverdagen!
Heldigvis vet jeg hvor jeg kan finne mine friske pust!
torsdag 18. juni 2009
mandag 15. juni 2009
Et fantastisk skoleår er ferdig. Kan ikke gjøre annet enn å takke!! Takk.
Btw, så skal jeg fortsette å blogge. Så bare å lese.. om det faktisk er noen som gjør det?!
lørdag 6. juni 2009
Update again
Tar vi det i punkter? JA:
- Sene kvelder
- God undervisning
- Reklamestunt for skola
- Trening
- Afrika kveld
- Sør Amerika kveld
Det er under en uke igjen, til vi er ferdige. Jeg sitter på en lørdagsmorgen, kl 11, og skriver innlegget. Skola er nesten død, for alle ligger og sover etter en sen natt.
Regner med at det kommer til å fortsette sånn de neste dagene, noe som bare er koselig.
Mye blandede følelser, når jeg tenker på at skoleåret snart er over.
Men nyter dagene, og koser meg maks!
Btw, jeg var på Kjeragsbolten forrige helg. SYKT bra tur. Knallbra vær, bra folk rundt meg, koselig biltur.. dagen kunne ikke blitt bedre!!
tirsdag 2. juni 2009
Just want to remind everyone that they can read my blogg in English.
I've installed a translator, from norwegian to english.
And I will continue to write blogg, through summer as well!!
We only have one week left in school. It's pretty sad and scary that the school year is soon over.
Soon we will part, and there is a great chance that I won't see all of my fellow students again!
Don't know what to think or feel, but I DO NOT look forward to next thursday!
fredag 29. mai 2009
Asiakveld :D
Etter mye øving, to fulle dager og sene kvelder, hodevri, latter, mer hodevri, latter, stress og enda mer latter.. ble vi ferdige med opplegget, og kvelden ble slik:
Først ble alle gjester hentet med Tuktuk. Tuktuk er taxi fra Laos og Thailand, men vi gjorde vår egen vri! Vi brukte pappesker, malte litt på pappen, ropte tuktuk, mens vi henta folk frem og tilbake!
Etter at alle gjestene var ankommet, og et liten åpningstale, ble maten servert. Tibetansk momo, nepalsk suppe, thai suppe, vårruller og riskaker sto på menyen, og det hele falt i smak!
Etter maten hadde vi underholdning. Innslag som Dragshow, drama/sketch, sang og dans førte til mye latter, litt flaue blikk over noen gutters overraskende femininitet, og god stemning.
Jeg viser dette fordi jeg er SIKKER på min egen seksualitet, og fordi jeg mener at jeg ikke er mann, før jeg viser min kvinnelige side!
Det hele var en knallbra kveld, som ble avsluttet med utfordring for fysisk fostringsklubben!
Det er en klubb som går ut på at alle i klubben kan utfordre andre medlemmer til fysisk aktivitet, til alle døgnets tider. Jeg utfordret til bakkeløp 00.00, hvorpå øyvin utfordret til noen ekstra drag, da vi egentlig var ferdige.
Det hele har tatt helt av, noe som er sykt gøy!
tirsdag 26. mai 2009
Tang og Tare
Jeg spiste en suppe, lagd på Tang. Tror det var en japansk rett. Skjønner ikke helt hvor ingrediensene kom fra, siden Laos ikke har en kystlinje.. hmm, kan det være mulig at man importerer Tang fra nabolandene??
Btw, suppa var ikke noe særlig. Det er ikke ofte jeg ikke liker mat, og jeg klarte å spise opp. Men jeg gikk for noe annet neste gang, for å si den sånn!
Er på Bryne nå, og har vært her i snart en uke. Har hatt fri siden 17 mai helga, som jeg feira i Romedal. Uka har gått med til informasjonsarbeid. Kommer et dypere innlegg om det senere!
mandag 11. mai 2009
NMS kveld
Forrige uke, torsdag kveld for å være mer nøyaktig, holdt klassa mi fest for NMS sine medlemmer i Mandal. Det skortet ikke på underholdning, og kvelden ble en stor suksess.
Med innslag fra alle team nettverks utvekslingsland (Laos, Thailand, Brasil, Madagaskar, Kamerun og Norge) pluss en utrolig bra andakt fra Noro, på Norsk, ble hele opplegget toppet med innslag fra misjonskamaratane.
Kollekt ble tatt opp, og mye penger ble gitt til NMS sitt arbeid den kvelden. Utrolig bra.
Vi som har det så sykt bra i Norge, bør kunne gi litt av vår overflod og rikdom til de som ikke har så mye som vi.
Den helga her har jeg vært hjemme, pluss en tur til Trondheim. Broren min hadde avslutning på skola, og da var det stas å reise opp å se hva som skjedde.
mandag 4. mai 2009
mandag 27. april 2009
En helg med Team Nettverk
Vi startet fredagen ca kl 9, og avsluttet 13 timer senere med is og kaffe i stua. Gjennom dagen hadde vi spikret sammen et konsert lignende tema, som vi skulle fremføre to ganger i løpet av helga. Thaidans og Thaiboksing, gassisk salme, boyband med god og seriøs tekst, samt ekte norsk folkesang, med trampe og klapperytme. Det hele slo utrolig bra an, og vi samlet inn mye penger til NMS sine prosjekter i Laos. KONGE!!
Søndagen hadde vi misjonærstand i Søm Kirke i Kristiansand. Der viste vi bilder, enkel informasjon og fortalte om landene vi hadde vært ute i. NMS driver prosjekter i alle landene, og utrolig artig å kunne fortelle folk om arbeidet vi har vært en del av. Det sies at det største gledene man kan få, er av å hjelpe andre. Og det stemmer så til de grader. For en glede jeg får når jeg tenker på pengene som ble gitt, som kan gi unger i Laos rent vann, utdannelse og mye mer.
I løpet av helga ble det også en tur på meg og Øyvin i kristiansand sentrum. Turen gikk under navnet: Kristiansand, iført crocs og kamera!
lørdag 11. april 2009
"It is Finished"
Jesus was a man on earth, who had a calling from God. He answered, and the result was forgivness and mercy, and an open way for us to heaven.
I believe that every man has a calling from God. God has a mission for us on earth. Some missions are ment to last your whole life, other are ment to last for exampel 6 months.
Last Sunday, I sat in the church in Laos. I had just sang the blessing song (velsignelsen) together with Kristian/Bon Lai. As I sat there, I was filled with a peace, and I felt it through my whole body. It was finished.
My time in Laos are over. I returned to Norway yesterday, after 6 months in a culture, country, people and church, that are different from everything I knew of, in Norway. I had my work there, I had my life there, and I looked at everything in Laos as my own. But.. My mission was finished, and it was time for me to come home, and I felt peace. I was ready, as I feel ready for the next step in Gods plan for my life.
In the writing moment I sit in the living room in our house in Norway. Outside the temperature is below zero, which is very strange for a person that has lived with sun and 20-30 degreeds for the last 6 months. It's 9 o'clock, and almost everyone in the house are sleeping. The differences are huge, but I feel I am where I am supposed to be for the moment. Just want to say "Thank you" to the people in Laos, to Hald for sending me, and to God for showing me the way.
mandag 6. april 2009
The last two weeks
That's the word I want to use about the couple last weeks. They have been just amazing.
To make it short:
- Mukhdahan, Thailand. Vacation the, and we lived with our mentor, Atle and his family. We got to see the opening of a new church, feed monkeys with Hanne and Cecilie, and get more friends in Thailand. Two thumbs up!
- Missionary Meeting, Thailand. take care of kids, relax at a nice hotel, get to learn a lot about God, from Aril and Lotta Svartdhal, and get to know the missinionaries better. Again, two thumbs up.
- Bangkok, Thailand. Two days with shopping, eating ice cream, taking taxi, never get to a fully silent place, spend lots of time with Hanne and Cecilie, go the the movies with the gang (Hanne, Cecilie, Kristian, Mari, Silje, Else). Very nice, but more than enough with two days!
- Savannakhet, Laos. Two days with teaching bass and music to the youth in the church there. Very very speciall and blessed time, for reasons I'm not allowed to write here. "Then I would have to kill you". Special time, but so blessed, and I am very very glad I got the stay there!
- Vientiane, Laos. Came back on Saturday after ten hours on a bus. The church on Sundag, where I showed my pictures from the churc in Laos, to the youth, and singing velsignelsen. Definetly going to miss that church, and its people. Eating dinner with deth's parents and Salome. Ahan sep lai! Very tasty food!
- Today. Visiting the river where the youth will celebrate Lao New Year, whitch we will not be able to attend, something I am very sorry for. But no problem. Very beautifull river though. Buying more gifts to bring home, and going to a worship and blessing of a new born boy.
This country, this city, this church, these people.. I can't explain how good they are, and how much everything means to me. I can only say thank God!!
torsdag 19. mars 2009
My bisarre food experiences
Mostly, the Lao food is really spicy. And then I mean, REALLY spicy. That has given me a few times of stomachache. But when the change of tasting some new food, and try new thing, a happily take some hours with stomachache as a result! No problem.
Lately, I've eaten three things that is no so normal to eat in Norway. Those thing would be: Rotten fish, some kind of rat, and DOG.
Without any fuss, every meal was very very good. And non of them gave me trouble with my stomach. So, I would gladly do it again. And for the record, Dog was the best. It was amazingly good food, and I recomend it to anyone who gets a chance to eat it!!
søndag 22. februar 2009
My biggest blessing here in Lao
They are so amazing. Where ever you go, they meet you with a smile. They are helpfull. They are kind. They are not rich. They er humble, and that is only a few of their qualities.
Here`s a story that proves the qualities of Lao people.
On friday I attended a wedding for a guy in the church. And as always, I do my share of helping out with cleaning and stuff. But before I started to help with the disches, I left my camera bag by some tables, a little bit out of sight. In the bag I had my camera (Nikon D40), passport, driver liscence, visacard and some money. When I finished the cleaning and went to get my bag, it was gone.
Not to worry, the bag, with everything was found the day after. Some kids had taken it to play, and one of the fathers took the bag with him home. But, the cool thing is how the people in the church helped me. I started to look for my camera,and within 5 min, everyone left at the church were looking. They called everyone they knew had gone to the wedding, even though it was late. They didn`t hesitate. We gathered and prayed together. And on my way home from church, I got three phone calls, from people saying how sorry they are, that they will pray, that they hope it`s not stolen. And the day after, when I got my camera back, many people came up to me, saying how happy they were and that they had prayed a lot.
The way the Lao people backed me up with wishes, prayers and thoughts, show me the quality of the people.
I thank God that I am so lucky to live with them, and to have them as my friends. When I leave Lao, the people is what I`m going to miss the most. They truly are my biggest blessing here in Lao!!
torsdag 12. februar 2009
Teaching English in Laos
The teaching is both fun and challenging. Escpecially since the kids here do what ever they want, when ever they want. And even though their mainteacher sits right by their side, they act like what we in Norway would call spoiled little kids. And the teacher, he does nothing, until its like chaos in the classroom.And even if I can get them to sit down, they are on it again, after five min.
I like it. Teaching them new words, see the expression on their faces, when they understand what I want them to understand. I don`t care if they are noicy, shouting to each other or just walking between each other. I don`t care. Just to see them understand, just to be able to talk a little bit more english with them, for each week. It`s worth every minute in that classroom.
And it gets even better. When I say, in lao language, that I won`t be back until wednesday next week, and they get sad.. That tells me, that even though they`re not always paying attention, they like having me as their teacher. And they are learning more and more.
By learning more and more, for each time they study, they open up new ways trough their lifes. In a couple of years they can speak english well enough to go to the university. Then they can get a good job, feed their family, and help bringin Laos out the ditch the country is in. For those who don`t know. Laos is on of the worlds poorest countries. Last time I heard, it was the worlds 3. poorest country. if that is true, I don`t know, but still. It`s country in desperat need of educated people. And I am helping kids to be able to get that education. Maybe there is a light in the end of the tunnel for these kids. How blessed am I to help them get there??
But, I have managed to make a tiny tiny tiny kultur mistake with the teaching. The humor in Norway is based a lot on irony. The humor in Laos is NOT. So with me using kind of norwegian inspired humor in my teaching, has resulted in the students looking at me as strict and not so very happy.. Ended up with one of the other teachers at the school telling me to smile more. A bit difficult to smile on commando, but I`m doing my best:P
fredag 30. januar 2009
Dangerous, or not?
The working conditions wern`t the same as in Norway, but no problem. We got the work done, and the result was really nice. And to see the face of the girl we helped, when we were finished, that`s the best payment I could get. I really feel that helping other people like that, gives me such a great plesure. Simpely put, it makes me happy!!
But she did make us some food. To eat taco for the first time in Laos (had eaten once, in thailand), was something I would miss for the world. :)
I`m glad to be in Lao, and experince different conditions and settings.
And btw, though we were a bit scared, we went to it, trusting God would take care of us. And here I am, sitting and writing this so you can read about my life.
mandag 26. januar 2009
Trip to Bangkok
Ingrid, Kristian and Eirik. We came like a storm, and we swept the city without hesitating.
But first off, we took the night train from Nong Khai to Bangkok. The train was Amazing. The style had a hint of retro 70 style, with faded lime green color on the walls inside the train. The train was a smart construction in it selves, and before I knew it, they had made all the chairs into beds. I had the top bunk, and were thrilled when I found out that my bed was exactly my length, 190 cm. The night was good, I slept well, a little cold, but all in all I was very satisfied. The shabby train with retro style and really small toilets had found the way to my heart, and it was with grief I left the train the following morning.
We went to Bangkok with many objectives, and one of them was to be hosted by Hald students; Silje and Else. They welcomed us with bread and Nugatti. OH JOY:D They were, trough the whole weekende, excellent hosts. And it was very nice of Mari, their room mate, to let us use her bed. You guys made everything so great.
In Bangkok we did a lot of shopping. I bought clothes to almost 1500 norwegian kr. That is A LOT of money there, so I sent a whole new wardrobe, back home, with my sister. T-shirts from Bangkok are so nice. Can`t wait to come home to Norway and use them. A bit scary thought.. One of the things I really look forward to, when coming home, is to use clothes :S
We also got to meet the missionaries in Bangkok. And we also met some people from NMS, that were in a trip to Thailand, so check out the projects that NMS has there.
In Bangkok we ate some really good western food. Western food is exspensive in Laos, so it was nice to eat things like whopper menu from Burger King, Taco, and icecream from svensens. Bit strange to eat it, but good as well. Miss norwegian food, but Kristian (bonlai) and I have found our own ways of food i Lao. So we eat as much lao food as possible. Therefore, coming to Bangkok was a nice and well erned vacation.
My sister went home to Norway that weekend, and now I won`t wee her for another three months. But no problem.
The trip to Bangkok was good. The trip home with the train was also pretty nice. So shabby.. HAHA.
Bangkok is nice, but I got to say: I think Laos and Vientiane is better. Not that much peoble or traffic:P But anyway.. Thanks for a nice trip!
Pictures will come later!
mandag 19. januar 2009
Family visit and trip to Vangvieng
Btw, this week I reseved my christmas present from Norway, stuffed with the best things I could imagine. That made my day, sort of speaking:P
The trip home from Vangvieng was also a experience in it self. We started out at 7 am with a local bus, and soon we were off. Here in Lao, the buses follow the time tabel, something we from Norway really appreciated. The first km we drove really slow, and the driver honked the horn all the time, in case anybody had forgot or missed the bus. It`s a good thing to do, but kind of enoying for the tired Eirik. The bus soon got filled up with shouting Lao people who seemed to be friends, but shouted to each other in a way I would look at as fighting. Well well.. The best part of the trip, besides to up and down, and going from side to side in the seat, was when the mother and her child in the seat in front of us, started trowing up. All over themselves and the seat. Just been sick myself, so the smell and the sounds were a bit disturbing. But as the tuff and hard viking I say I am, I stould (sat) my ground. So did Ingrid.
Well back from Vangvieng, we waited in Vientiane for some hours, before we met Kristian, and we were all ready for a trip to Bangkok. I will tell you that story later, `cause I`m still in Bangkok at Silje and Elses place.
tirsdag 13. januar 2009
Jul, Nyttår og Infield
In the christmas we used a lot of time in the church here. The people are so dedicated, and the christmas is a time for charing the gospel. A combination of celebration for just me and Kristian, together with the church, made the christmas a memorabiel time :D
At new year the hald girls in Thailand came to Laos. The days went by with showing the girls our city, and celebrate the wonderfull new year. Pizza and free drinks (which we didn`t drink), icecream, laughter and smile made the evening perfect. We finished the night with a pretty nice praise night at the church. The norwegian expression "hæla i taket, og tenna i tapeten" fits very well :)
Infield was just PERFECT. So good to meet the other students and teachers again. Vangvieng with its beautifull weather and surrondings made everything even better. The teaching and the sociale aspect of it all, made infield something worth to remember. When the teachers and students left me and Kristian back alone here i laos, the left a empty whole.
Thank you so much for visiting us:)