The teaching is both fun and challenging. Escpecially since the kids here do what ever they want, when ever they want. And even though their mainteacher sits right by their side, they act like what we in Norway would call spoiled little kids. And the teacher, he does nothing, until its like chaos in the classroom.And even if I can get them to sit down, they are on it again, after five min.
I like it. Teaching them new words, see the expression on their faces, when they understand what I want them to understand. I don`t care if they are noicy, shouting to each other or just walking between each other. I don`t care. Just to see them understand, just to be able to talk a little bit more english with them, for each week. It`s worth every minute in that classroom.
And it gets even better. When I say, in lao language, that I won`t be back until wednesday next week, and they get sad.. That tells me, that even though they`re not always paying attention, they like having me as their teacher. And they are learning more and more.
By learning more and more, for each time they study, they open up new ways trough their lifes. In a couple of years they can speak english well enough to go to the university. Then they can get a good job, feed their family, and help bringin Laos out the ditch the country is in. For those who don`t know. Laos is on of the worlds poorest countries. Last time I heard, it was the worlds 3. poorest country. if that is true, I don`t know, but still. It`s country in desperat need of educated people. And I am helping kids to be able to get that education. Maybe there is a light in the end of the tunnel for these kids. How blessed am I to help them get there??
But, I have managed to make a tiny tiny tiny kultur mistake with the teaching. The humor in Norway is based a lot on irony. The humor in Laos is NOT. So with me using kind of norwegian inspired humor in my teaching, has resulted in the students looking at me as strict and not so very happy.. Ended up with one of the other teachers at the school telling me to smile more. A bit difficult to smile on commando, but I`m doing my best:P
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