torsdag 30. oktober 2008

Jeg trenger hjelp

Hei folkens
Jeg trenger hjelp med et problem jeg:
Når jeg skriver blogginnlegg på mac`n da entene word doc, eller pages dokument.
Men når jeg da kopierer teksten og skal lime den inn i innlegget, så kommer til ikke inn i innlegget. Det bare popper opp nedenfor inllegget, og når jeg publiserer, så er det blankt.

Noen som har svar? Mottas med takk!!

God bless, no stress!

mandag 27. oktober 2008

Lao Evangelical Church

This is some short facts about LEC. I feel it`s a bit important that people know how LEC is organized, `cause I think it`s a very well organized church. Maybe Norway can learn a thing or two from Lao. To the people I know.. Miss everyone. Miss Norway and snow. But I have a excellent time here, and would not be without it! God bless, Hakuna Mattata

Lao Evangelical Church (LEC) is NMS’s (Norwegian Mission Society) partner organisation in Lao PDR. It is trough this partnership that Kristian and I have gotten this opportunity. It is also trough in this church where Kristian and I work. Our churc`s name is Nakham.

LEC is organized in a way; I would say is very wise. This is a church with thousands of members. Just here in Vientiane it`s more than 8000 christians. To be the leader of such a flock is a big responsibility, and Pastor Khamphone is doing a very good job. But he is not just leading the church, he`s being an excellent role model.

This is Naxai church. It is not our church, I just like the picture

LEC is divided into many churches, spread trough out the country. Each church has one or several pastors. There are also people hired to take care of, for example economy and different helping projects. An example of that, is NMS`s and LEC`s “Pure water in Laos” project. Salome work as an assistant in that project. He went to Hald in 2006/2007 together with Khamphet, who work with economy. 

Further on is the churches divided into cell groups. These groups consist of 6-12 people. They meet privately to shear Gods word, to pray and praise. Each group has a leader, who is responsible for the groups. The leader “answers” to the group`s church. When a group gets more then 12 members, the group divides into two groups. The new group gets a new leader, and the group meets at a new place. These groups are extremely important to the church. Since they are in more direct contact with the local people, most of the evangelising happens trough this groups. And It brings results. Each week, several people turn there hearts to Jesus and gets saved.

At praise practise in our church. People are very devoted to the cvurch, and use lots of there sparetime there.

onsdag 8. oktober 2008


I´ve decided to write more in English from now. So it`s easier for my international friends to understand. 
Here are some pictures from Laos. 

I`ll follow the trend, and show pictures of myself with freshly cut hear.  
Me playing guitar in Kristians room.

Kristian and Sack and a restaurant. We ate bufè. 35000 kip, eat all you want. about 27 norwegian kr. We picked lots of food, raw, and cooked and fried it ourself. 

More pictures will come!! Take care!!
Todays question: What is a Tuk Tuk??

søndag 5. oktober 2008


Kjære tid. Skrev i går at vi skulle spille fotball, det gjorde vi. Artig som juling, bra folk ass. En ble skada, og alle hjalp til med å bære han av bana. Det finner man sjeldent i norge.
Etter det skulle vi hjem. Da klarte vi selvsagt å kjøre oss bort. Samtidig opplevde det vi kan kalle en liten tropisk storm. Det regna og blåste som bare det. Og det drev vi og rota i, i 2,5 timer. Merkelig.

Sitter i kirka nå. Utrolig å se hvor gudfryktige og fokuserte folka er her. Fantastisk. Det er virkelig bra mennesker som er her. Så snille og hyggelige.
Er ikke min pc/mac, så har fortsatt ikke bilder, men det kommer :D
Until then, stay blessed!!

lørdag 4. oktober 2008

Foerste innlegg

Hei og hopp.
Foerste tida har vaert spennende. Reiste litt rundt i gaar, sammen med Atle og Pet. veldig morsomt. Rommene er bra, med kald luft og vann :)
Skal spille fotball etterpaa, kombinert med cellegruppe og lovsang. Stas.
Har ikke noen bilder enda, men det kommer:)

Veldigh spennende aa vaere her. utrolig varmt. Men skakke klage:D
Har det bra her.
Kan ikke si naar neste innlegg kommer, men tror ikke det blir for lenge.
Until then.. God bless, no stress!!